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Compleanno di terra

Teatro Delle Ariette
15 et 16 mai
Compleanno di terra

Infos pratiques


Avenue Cardinal-Mermillod 17-19
1227 Carouge


Tarif normal      15 .-
Tarif réduit         8 .-

« Eight projectors, two strings of light, crates of vegetables, a refrigerator, Lambrusco, the cake and the little candles, sawdust on the ground, our geese. » A bit like home, a bit like the circus, Compleanno di terra is a performance made of nothing, of written words, a poor theatre illuminated by the richness of the experiences of a life spent at the Ariette. «When our birthdays came around, giving more presents seemed to us to be senseless. So we began to give ourselves letters… two letters a year, one for each birthday. It is these secret and intimate letters, the witnesses of our new life, that we offer today as a performance »

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