Tarif normal 25 .-
Tarif réduit 15 .-
20ans/20francs 10 .-

Infos pratiques
Place du Temple 8
1227 Carouge
Brought together by Françoise Courvoisier, this little troupe of actors – around fifteen Carouge personalities, amateurs for the most part – takes us into the life of a local bistro, where all the customers know each other and exchange views on matters great and small in life. One laughs, argues, sings and dances « Chez Léon », the patron, both affectionate and grumpy, of this little tavern.
Françoise Courvoisier draws inspiration from the Brèves de comptoir of Jean-Marie Gurio, the French author and scriptwriter, to create a new, particularly ‘carougeois’ version specially adapted for this edition of the Carouge Spring.
First performance, Friday 10 May, 9 pm
Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, 7 pm
Friday, 9 pm, and Sunday, 5 pm
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