Normal: 15.-
Reduced: 8.- (children, AVS, students, unemployed, 20 ans/20 francs)

Infos pratiques
Rue Ancienne 37 A
1227 Carouge
Théâtre de Carouge (rehearsal room)
This event is not suitable for non-French speakers.
With humor and derision, Hiboux brings us together around new ways of looking at our death rituals and our ghosts.
Between the transhumanist fantasy of defeating death, the injunction to mourn and the medical asepticization of the end of life, death seems to disappear from our lives. However, in spite of rationality, the standardization of funeral procedures, in spite of the technological advances of cryonics chambers, we continue to die. And the memory of our lost continues to haunt us. Where have our ghosts gone? In the limbo of Dante's Divine Comedy or in the scroll of a Facebook profile? Hiboux is a contemporary mass that explores our ways of "doing" ritual and our representations of mourning. Hiboux is also a choral story that tells us and invents us. Around a round table, three musician-actors and a funeral counsellor explore the relationships that unite us with the departed. They invite the audience to dive into a world where the living and the dead mix their respective heritages to better live together. A world where we speak with tenderness and humor about death, beliefs, rites and ceremonies, spiritualism, past and future, immortality and eternity.
Hiboux will be the occasion to collectively bury a spectator, to exchange with Gilles Deleuze, Thomas Edison or Victor Hugo and to meet the ghost that we will become. And the advantage of doing a show about death is that nobody knows what happens next, so we can say whatever we want.
Director : Nicolas Chapoulier
Writing : Les 3 points de suspension
Acting: Jérôme Colloud, Renaud Vincent, Cédric Cambon
Musical creation and sound design : Jérôme Colloud, Renaud Vincent
Scenography and costumes : Cédric Cambon, Gael Richard, Sophie Deck
Administration: Emilie Parey
Coordination : Michel Rodrigue
Production: Lorène Bidaud, Neyda Paredes
Diffusion : Capucine Joannis
The company is subsidized by: the Ministry of Culture-DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the Region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, subsidized by: The department of Haute-Savoie, supported by the City of Annemasse and the Savoie Mont Blanc Council.
Aids to creation, co-productions and residences: DGCA, Pôle arts de la scène-Friche-la Belle de Mai, Marseille, Groupe des 20-Scènes publiques-Auvergne-Rhône Alpes-Espace Malraux-Scène Nationale de Chambéry et de Savoie, Château Rouge-Annemasse, Citron Jaune-CNAREP, Le 3bisF - Aix-en-Provence, Les Ateliers Frappaz - CNAREP, CPPC - Rennes, Lieux Publics - center national de création en espace public, Marseille, Atelier 231-CNAREP, L'Abattoir-CNAREP, Superstrat - Regards et Mouvements, Eclat-CNAREP, Aurillac, Karwan-Cité des arts de la rue - Marseille, La Bobine - Grenoble, Cie Happés, La Déferlante-Notre Dame de Monts
Thanks to : Lucas Spirli, Julien Rabin, Franck Serpinet, Adrien Virat, Mathias Youchenko, Pauline Julier, Caty Avram.
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