Normal 10.-
Reduced 5.-

Infos pratiques
Rue Vautier 13
1227 Carouge
Boarding Chat Noir Airlines for the Caribbean! Your pilot-maestro Pablo Aubia, his crew of musicians and his guests of honour will guide you to the frenzied rhythm of their salsa. Stopovers planned in Cuba, Porto Rico, Colombia, and Venezuela. Are you coming along? Salseras, salseros… Vengan a bailar!
A Botanic Dream nice and fresh, please!
This year the Chat Noir welcomes us throughout the period of the festival to delight our taste buds, before or after a performance! Come and savour one of their delicious creations fashioned specially for this ‘nature’ edition. Ask for a Botanic Dream, the non-alcoholic cocktail containing a savvy blend of wild herbs.
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